7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of learning management systems using interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy-z numbers

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    The use of online education tools has increased rapidly with the transition to distance education caused by the pandemic. The obligation to carry out all activities of face-to-face education online made it very important for the tools used in distance education to meet the increasing needs. In line with these needs, radical changes have occurred in the learning management systems used in distance education. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to determine the features that the systems used in distance education should have and to compare the existing systems according to these features. For this purpose, a novel fuzzy extension, interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy Z-numbers, is defined for modeling uncertainty, and AHP and WASPAS methods using proposed fuzzy numbers are developed to determine the importance of decision criteria and compare alternatives.WOS:0010834495000112-s2.0-85173691458Emerging Sources Citation IndexArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRKasım2023YÖK - 2022-23Eki

    Prioritization of public services for digitalization using fuzzy Z-AHP and fuzzy Z-WASPAS

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    In this paper, public services are analyzed for implementations of Industry 4.0 tools to satisfy citizen expectations. To be able to prioritize public services for digitalization, fuzzy Z-AHP and fuzzy Z-WASPAS are used in the analysis. The decision criteria are determined as reduced cost, fast response, ease of accessibility, reduced service times, increase in the available information and increased quality. After obtaining criteria weights using fuzzy Z-AHP, health care services, waste disposal department, public transportation, information services, social care services, and citizen complaints resolution centers are compared using fuzzy Z-WASPAS that is proposed for the first time in this paper. Results show that health care services have dominant importance for the digitalization among public services.WOS:000604482500002Science Citation Index ExpandedQ2Article; Early AccessUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIROcak2021YÖK - 2020-2

    Fuzzy capital budgeting using fermatean fuzzy sets

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    Investment projects are mostly evaluated by capital budgeting techniques to measure their profitability. The parameters used in capital budgeting such as future cash flows, interest rate and useful life involves high uncertainty due to the lack of information for the future environment. Since the uncertainty involved in forecasting the parameters is mostly in high levels, fuzzy set theory could be used in the determination of capital budgeting parameters to handle uncertain information in the analyses. Fermatean fuzzy sets are one of the most recent extensions of fuzzy set theory which are capable to handle higher levels of uncertainties by assigning fuzzy parameters from a larger domain. In this paper, fuzzy capital budgeting techniques that are fuzzy net present worth, fuzzy net future worth and fuzzy net annual worth are extended using fermatean fuzzy sets. An illustration for the calculations is also presented.Scopus - Affiliation ID: 6010507

    Analysis of intelligent software implementations in air cargo using fermatean fuzzy CODAS method

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    The chapter focuses on the problem of analyzing and selecting intelligent software in Air Cargo in the concept of Aviation 4.0. First, the notions, problems and challenges linked to air cargo are discussed. Recent developments, ongoing innovative projects and unfilled gaps in the area of intelligent air cargo software are presented. Next, the proposed method to analyze a select software to be used by air cargo companies is described. It is a modified version of one of the recent multi-criteria decision-making methods, called CODAS. Its original, crisp version and its existing fuzzy extensions are first presented. Next, an original extension of the method, using Fermatean fuzzy sets, is proposed. In the application section a logistics company is considered, which is facing the problem of selecting software supporting the air cargo process. The criteria are selected by experts holding various positions in the company, and three alternatives of air cargo software provider are determined. Then, the proposed method is applied to solve the intelligent software selection problem. Finally, conclusion and future research perspectives are given.Scopus - Affiliation ID: 6010507

    Selection of the best face recognition system for check in and boarding services

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    Check-in and boarding services are one of the most human oriented pre-flight services in aviation industry. The process of using face recognition systems increase with the aviation 4.0 concept, decreases need for manpower and increases the efficiency of the processes. Therefore, problems, developments and challenges of face recognition in terms of aviation 4.0 are discussed in this chapter to determine the best face recognition system for check in and boarding systems. Analytic hierarchy process and grey relational analysis are used to analyze current system providers. To handle the ambiguity in the linguistic evaluations, fuzzy Z- numbers are used. 10 face recognition system providers are evaluated according to five criteria with the proposed methodology and the results are discussed. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Scopus - Affiliation ID: 6010507

    Customer Segmentation Using RFM Analysis: Real Case Application on a Fuel Company

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    Customer segmentation is an important research area that helps organizations to improve their services according to customer needs. With the increased information that shows customer attitudes, it is much easier and also more necessary than before to analyze customer responses on different campaigns. Recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) analysis allows us to segment customers according to their common features. In this chapter, customer segmentation and RFM analysis are explained first, then a real case application of RFM analysis on customer segmentation for a Fuel company is presented. At the end of the application part, possible strategies for the company are generated

    Müşteri hizmetleri bölümünde süreç analizi ve stratejik planlama- lastik sektöründe bir uygulama

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    Bu çalışma kapsamında, bir işletmenin süreç analizinin yapılması ve sonrasında işletme stratejisinin oluşturulması için gerekli analiz ve stratejik yönetim modelleri incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, işletme geneli için incelenen bu yöntemler, bir işletme özelinde müşteri hizmetleri bölümüne uygulanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, öncelikle SWOT analizi ile iş biriminin içinde bulunduğu mevcut durumun özellikleri belirlenmiş, sonrasında oluşturulan Genişletilmiş SWOT matrisi ile ortaya çıkan faktörlere uygun stratejiler belirlenmiştir. Stratejiler belirlendikten sonra İç Faktör Değerlendirme ve Dış Faktör Değerlendirme matrisleri ile SWOT analizinde ortaya konan faktörler ağırlıklandırılarak puanlanmıştır. Oluşturulan puanlar, İç-Dış Faktörler matrisine yerleştirilerek işletmenin bulunduğu stratejik konum tayin edilmiştir. Son aşamada ise, seçilen stratejiye ulaşmak amacı ile Kurumsal Karne (Balanced Scorecard-BSC) yönteminden faydalanılarak oluşturulan stratejik harita üzerinde faktörler arası ilişkiler gösterilmiş ve alt stratejiler belirlenmiştir.TR - Dizi